Stoccolma, 10/08/2005
Quasi dimenticavo, oggi abbiamo anche assistito al primo miracolo dall´inizio di questo viaggio: uno scandinavo che non parla l´inglese. Fabrizio ha pero´ fatto subito notare che il soggetto in questione non era certo autoctono. Meno male! nessun credo di Fabrizio e´ venuto meno: tutti i veri scandinavi parlano perfettamente l´inglese, son tutti dei piccoli "prototipo di gagno" insomma.
Intanto ci siamo fatti bellamente prendere per il naso dal tempo. Dopo una splendida serata ed una notte torrenziale, tanto torrenziale che mi son svegliato con il culo bagnato (solo io ovviamente, Fabrizio dall´alto del suo megagalattico materassino gonfiabile aveva il fondoschiena degno di un Pampers: cosi´ asciutto che piu´ asciutto non si puo´) stamattina il cielo pareva decisamente benevolo; giusto il tempo di arrivare alla stazione centrale, scendere, contemplare l´acquazzone, risalire sulla metro in senso inverso e recuperare i k-way lasciati al campeggio; non c´e´ che dire, siamo due menti io e Fabrizio.
At 11 a.m. we stepped inside a library, well not exactly... it was a train of the underground system; we realized it was a metro because it was running and because a lovely woman`s voice was saying, from time to time, the name of the stations; but no difference otherwise: everybody in complete silence, all reading, not only 2 or 3 people, but all the crowded train!! We tried to accoustom oursleves to this intellectual environment, so we both sit in silence. We don`t have any chance to meet and chat to anybody on this train. Andrea, since he`s an experienced blogger, keeps off his note-book and starts to write; surely in a library we`re allowed to write, aren`t we?
We also switch our mobiles to the stand-by mode, because we wish to avoid disturbing some old Swedish women sitting nearby and we hope not to be said something like "Silence please! You`re not in Italy!", of course in perfect Swedish!
Today we also witnessed the first miracle since the beginning of our trip: a Swede who couldn`t speak English at all. In any case I stressed to Andrea that the guy was indeed a foreigner and not a pure Swede, so luckily my faith about the fact that all Scandinavians speak a perfect English didn`t brak.
In the meanwhile we were fouled by the weather. After a wonderful warm and clear evening and a stormy night, so stormy that Andrea woke up today with his ass wet (of course mine was perfecly dry, since I used to sleep over a king size air mattress), this morning the sky looked really nice; we could barely get to the central station, get off the train, have a look to the hard rain outside, take the train back in the opposite direction, and take our waterproof wearings which we left in our tent at the camp site; we`re really genial, Andrea and me.
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