La via dei fiordi

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Oslo, 4/08/2005

Oslo, che stupore. Mi aspettavo una citta´ piccola e fredda, stretta e racchiusa, raggomitolata su se stessa e invece! Invece le vie sono larghe, gli spazi ampi, non sembra una citta´ di mare ma piuttosto una grande citta´ continentale brulicante di persone e di italiani.. si riconoscono facilmente. Non sembra una citta´ di mare ma girata la via ci ritroviamo davanti proprio il porto, sembra di essere arrivati in un luogo di altri tempi con tutti questi velieri e con il castello che domina la citta´ e il mare. Non e´ raro pero´ vedere il moderno insinuarsi, mercantili che squarciano l´atmosfera antica e ci riportano ai giorni nostri. Scopriamo che i due maggiori punti di interesse, almeno per noi, si trovano agli estremi opposti della citta´, il museo di Munch e il parco Frøgnet. Ci incamminiamo, a piedi ovviamente per non rischiare di arrivare al campeggio riposati, e Oslo continua a stupirmi sempre di piu´, mi aspettavo case di pescatori probabilmente per il fresco ricordo della Danimarca, e invece moderni grattacieli di specchi, enormi mani bronzee che divelgono il terreno per portare un fiore all´umanita´, sommozzatori metallici che nuotano nella pronfondita´ dell´aria... sei un continuo spettacolo Oslo!
Siamo arrivati al museo, all´ingresso un autoritratto dell´artista. Non mi sono mai interessato di conoscere il suo volto, sembra una persona normale, strano...

Oslo, what a surprise! We expected it is a small and cold town, narrow and finished, without space. We were wrong! The streets are wide, spaces lighty, it doesn`t look like a sea city, but on the contrary a big continental city, filled up with people... and Italians sigh... It doesn`t look like a sea city, but if you turn the corner you find yourself in the middle of the harbour, a place which smells old and nice, with sailing ships and the castle that rules on the city. It`s pretty usual to see the modern part settling in, cargo ships that remember us that we live in the 21st century. We find out that our 2 main targets are placed at the extreme edges of the city: the Munch`s museum and the Frøgnet garden. We go, by foot of course in order not to have the risk of coming back to our campsite too relaxed, and Oslo gets on surprising us more and more. We expected fishman houses, because we still remember Denmark, but on the contrary we get modern skyscrapers, huge bronze hands breaking the tarmac just for offering to us a flower, scuba divers swimming in the deepness of the air... what amazing Oslo!
We finally get the museum, at the entry a self-portrait of Munch. We disregarded to have a look at his face before, but now we can say that, after all, he looks like a normal man, strange...


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:20 PM  

  • How nice to know (after 2 days without any news from You) that You are ok.
    I've started to think about some meeting with You and everybody reading this blogspot and writing very nice and usefull comments( of course when you will be back). But when and where??? hmmm good question. From my side I propose Gdansk!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 AM  

  • After Your so poetic describtion of Oslo, I also would like to come there-may I join with You all? Thank You for wrrr..I hope in Oslo You will not have so many problems with spaghetti as before, in other case remember about wrrr..-it helps!waiting for news...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:07 AM  

  • "(...) you`re almost a married man, (...)"
    should I understand that You are going married soon?
    STOP !!!!!!
    STAY FREE!!!!

    I have done it almost 10 years ago, and now...., if you want see my actually situation please come to me, I'll explain You everything in very small details.
    You know, my wife is explain everything even in Gdansk, isn't it??

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:23 AM  

  • Fabrizio is joking... But how will I smile when it happens to him eh eh eh!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:03 AM  

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