La via dei fiordi

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Statale Aarhus - Aalborg, 2/08/2005

Le sei della sera.
Ci siamo lasciati alle spalle Aarhus e riprocediamo verso nord per tornare al campeggio.
Abbiamo deciso di non seguire la strada principale ma di procedere per le vie locali per vedere cosa ha da offrire la suggestione delle campagne danesi, speriamo di non perderci!
Aarhus e´ una bella citta´ piena di gente e di bambini... sembra che in Danimarca si abbia una gran voglia di fare figli.
Potrebbe non essere molto diversa da una citta´ del nord Italia, potrebbe.. se non ci fosse la natura che vi si infiltra ovunque, i gabbiani che rubano il posto ai piccioni e le paperette, in gita, una dietro l´altra, per il canale. Fortunatamente ci pensano i conquistadores del Mc Donald´s a farci sentire a casa, ci fan sentire a casa in ogni paese, sara´ anche per questo che continuiamo a fuggire tanto la nostra casa.
Per entrare nel paese passiamo davanti ad una biondina in vetrina con la biancheria verde brillante e giriamo quindi per il porto che ci affascina. Non ha nulla di particolare ma e´ li´, statico, a gridarci "piu´ lontano, piu´ lontano" (scusa per la citazione Fabrizio). Pochi passi e siamo nel centro del paese, ad accoglierci l´insegna di un negozio che offre vestiti per proprio tutte le taglie, anche per la xxxxxxxxxxx...large "...bene signora, adesso so dove si rifornisce ma ora per favore mi faccia perdere per le vie di questa citta´ dove ´Holy is love, just love and nothing else´.

It´s 6pm. We left Aarhus behind our shoulders and we´re coming back to our camp site. We decided not to follow the main road and we chose secondary streets, just to see what Danish countryside can offer us... we hope not to loose ourselves!
Aarhus is a nice city, full of people and kids... it seems that in Denmark there´s a great wish to give birth to children. It could be not so different from any city in the north of Italy. It could, if nature didn´t come inside... seagulls push pigeons away and the small ducks make a trip along the river.
Luckily the McDonald´s conquistadores make us feeling at home. They make us leeking at home in every country. Perhaps this is a reason why we´re keeping on running away from our home.
For entering the town we need to pass through the harbour, we´re fascinated. Nothing particular, but it´s there, steady, shouting to us "Further ´n´ Further". Few steps and we´re in the city centre. We´re received by a shop which sells clothes with any size, even for the xxxxxxxxxx....large "well, dear lady, now we know where you buy, but shut up please, let us loose our way through the streets of this town, where ´Holy is love, just love and nothing else´".


  • I'm amazed at your whole speech...You can write in English...
    Dio esiste allora....!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:14 PM  

  • Well. Always speaking about girls you can see here and there. But when does Fabrizio begin to ACT? Come on little goat-boy... I want THE TRUTH eh eh eh.
    By the way, please tell me about the weather, you know I'm coming nearer.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:40 PM  

  • Thank You for writing in english....hmm,You italian people are never tolerant for other's pasta! stay well and enjoy this trip also for us. Waiting for news.....M&D

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:17 AM  

  • Fabrizio ....I belive on You, show all Danish girls how hot are Italian guys :))

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:22 AM  

  • Please!! don't hunt these ducks when an excellent Danish pasta start to be monstrous for You

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:33 AM  

  • Why every comments about girls are only to Fabrizio?There is also another italian guy - Andrea, isn't? Should I know something more...?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:04 AM  

  • heilà. Siamo tornati al lavoro, solo per oggi, e visto che c'é un sacco di cose da fare, vi scrivo un comment. Prima di tutto: ing g. che scrive in inglese è l'italianissimo ingegner gallo? Secondo (Paola non leggere): perché invece delle paperette non ci mettete qualche foto di quagliette? Terzo: ciao

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:04 AM  

  • Alviglio: I'm not ing. Gallo, but I'm nonetheless a proud lazy Italian. Anyway I quote you, more quagliette and less paperette.
    AM: I'm referring to Faber because I know him and he is free to hunt (and also a big pervert ahahah)... Don't make me be too clear.
    Milka & Darek: I don't want to be intolerant, but here in Germany I have seen people cutting spaghetti IN THEIR DISH, and then eating them with fork and knife. This is painful.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:34 AM  

  • ing.g.: OK , I understand about Fabrizio, yes You are right -it is not necessary to be closer to the truth...about spaghetti, hmmm eating with fork and knife?-yes it is painfull also here, so You are not intolerant, or I'm even worst than You!spaghetti with knife and fork-wrrrrr...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:36 AM  

  • Vivat ragazzi tedeschi!!!!....spaghetti con una forchetta e con un coltello..... impossibile ma veramente (I hope that have written everything ok)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:41 AM  

  • hmmmm, oggie e' 3. augosto e non c'e' nuova storia di viaggio gli nostri amici. hmmmm, dove' siete???

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:13 AM  

  • Faber your acts are your acts, but if you write on a blog, you must be honest...
    I know the weather in Hamburg was bad, this weekend we had a car accident there, but luckily we are perfectly safe. The car is now being checked up... Let's hope it is not too bad. Bad luck, but it could have been worse. Be very careful, guys.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:07 AM  

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