La via dei fiordi

Friday, August 05, 2005

Bergen, 5/08/2005

Pepper´s Pizza, la vera pizza... americana.
Al motto di "Il norvegese che c´e´ in me grida PAPPAAAAK" (sopravvissuto alla freddura di Fabrizio "Il norvegese che c´e´ in te se la vuole dare a gambe levate") siamo approdati in questa specie di pizzeria scandinava, accanto a noi due coppie di toscani che "beohno oha ola" e parlano di olive "sottovohto".
Stammattina abbiamo lasciato il super attrezzato campeggio di Oslo, estremamente dispiaciuti di dover levar la tenda dalla mitica piazzola pendente... era cosi´ simpatico ritrovarsi la mattina, accucciati come cagnolini al fondo della tenda, dopo essere lentamente e inesorabilmente scivolati a valle dentro i nostri sacchi a pelo.
Ci sono voluti quasi seicento chilometri di statale alla media dei settanta per raggiungere questo grosso paese che e´ Bergen. Il viaggio stesso e´ stato un´emozione. Chi ha disegnato la Norvegia? Una mano di bambino sicuramente, il verde dei prati e´ brillante, le nuvole sembra di poterle toccare, le case sono con il tetto spiovente e due finestre, una accanto all´altra... ogni bambino probabilmente prima di nascere, nei suoi sogni´ ha fatto un viaggio in questa terra. Sulla Fabriano ha abbozzato questo sogno, non certo le nostre citta´.
Intanto l´Oter ha lasciato il porto, tra sbuffi e sirene... dove te ne vai? Forse ci rivedremo....

Pepper`s Pizza, the real pizza... American one.
Andrea saya "The Norwegian who lives inside me shouts PAPPAAAAK" (but he gets a cold shower from me when I say "the Norwegian who lives inside you is strugging to get free and go away") and soon after we step inside this kind of weird Scandinavian pizzeria; beside us, two couples of Italians fro Firenze chatting and chatting and chatting in their funny "h"-accent, they talk about olives and whale sausages.
This morning we left the "super-fournished" camping in Oslo, we were very sad when we took off our tent, still remembering how nice is sleeping when your tent is on a hill... how nice was finding ourself, in the mornings, at the bottom of the tent, because we slipped down during the night, uncounsciously, inside our sleeping bags.
It took almost 600km on a secondary road at 70km/h in order to get finally in Bergen, a big town on the Wester Norwegian shore. The travel itself was a strong ewmotion. Who drew the map of Norway? Perhaps a kid`s hand (maybe Stenia`s?), the green of the grass is bright, it seems you may touch the clouds with your hand, the houses have nice steep roofs and a couple of windows, one close to the others.... every kid before being born, perhaps, in its dreams, made a journey in this wonderful land. On Fabrizno paper it drew this dream, for sure not our cities. In the meanwhile, the ship Oter left the harbour, in the center of a cloud of smoke and whisles shouting... Where are you going? Perhaps we`ll get in tough again...


  • I'm not sure about Stenia's art but probably You are right!-a lot of green?-for sure-Stenia!I hope You are anjoying Your travel a lot, specially after sleeping in so comfortable camp, hahah, and moreover because map creating by child's full of invention hands is always dreamfull and hopefull:)....waiting for good news..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:33 AM  

  • hmm, we have seen many pictures with many traffic red lights, ducks etc., but anyone with You and american-norway pizza :)), so please next time show all of us the real proof, that You are on vacation in Norway :))

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:05 AM  

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